What is classical education?
Classical education is the cultivation of wisdom and virtue through the study of the liberal arts and the Great Books. The liberal arts are the universal linguistic and mathematical skills students need to excel in every area of life. The Great Books are the means by which we pass on the cultural heritage of the Christian West. A mastery of both is the best way to prepare a child for a life of wisdom and virtue, and Memoria Press’ beautiful and comprehensive classical Christian curriculum provides the tools for mastering these two essential elements of education.

A thorough study of Latin forms the foundation of a classical education, and the study of classical history and literature fosters a deep knowledge of Western civilization. Memoria Press also introduces your student to the greatest thinkers of the Western tradition through the classic books selected for our literature programs.

A familiarity with the Bible is essential to understanding Western culture, and Memoria Press’ products are developed from the perspective of a Christian worldview. As a Christian company, Memoria Press focuses on Bible literacy, knowledge of church history, and developing a strong faith and Christian consciousness.

Since our founding, over half a million homeschoolers around the world have used the Memoria Press curriculum, and our materials are currently being used in over 650 schools across the country. The success of students in these schools and homeschools demonstrates that Memoria Press’ approach to classical education works.

Memoria Press’ Classical Core Curriculum is a complete classical Christian curriculum. Each grade-level package comes with everything you need for one complete school year, including daily lesson plans in a convenient curriculum manual. You can also customize your curriculum package to make it the perfect fit for your homeschool.